About GMI3S

Seeking to design a new generation of measurement infrastructure for the Internet

Project Structure

We organize this project into four tasks.

  1. Design, prototype, test and evaluate a new highly distributed network measurement platform
  2. Data management: design capabilities to make datasets easy to discover, use, and share
  3. Build community-oriented infrastructure that will enable use of the data for a broad set of cybersecurity research and beyond
  4. Workshops, and curriculum development to support STEM/cybersecurity workforce training
Proposal Summary

Project Management & Partners

The lead organization for the 3-year Design Phase of this project is the Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA) at UC San Diego.

kc claffy, the founder and director of CAIDA, and David Clark (MIT/CSAIL) are principal investigators of this project.

Our team includes two community-focused organizations with a 20-year history of collecting and sharing the most security-relevant data about the global routing system: NSRC/UO (Route Views) and RIPE (the EU’s IP address registry, which operates the Routing Information Service).

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Funding Support

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Support for the Designing a Global Measurement Infrastructure to Improve Internet Security project is provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF) grant OAC-2131987 Designing a Global Measurement Infrastructure to Improve Internet Security. The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of NSF.